Sermons from August 2009

Sermons from August 2009

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

By The Very Rev. Sherry Crompton August 30, 2009 Read: Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 and James 1:17-27 So, this morning we hear Jesus calling the Pharisees and the scribes hypocrites. The word hypocrite originally comes from ancient Greek theatre. It meant to act a part in a play, to pretend, to display a mask. A good definition of a hypocrite is a person who is not, on the inside, what he or she is showing on the outside. In other words the…

The Whole Armor of God

By The Very Rev. Sherry Crompton August 23, 2009 Read: Ephesians 6:10-20 and John 6:56-69 Once again we hear Jesus speaking about eating his flesh and blood, which we understand in a spiritual sense. In today’s gospel, Jesus says that the words he has spoken are spirit and life. Spirit and life. Key words to living a life that is truly alive in Christ. We also hear today in Ephesians, Paul giving us an example of what it might look…

The Spiritual Life is a Process

By The Very Rev. Sherry Crompton August 16, 2009 Read: John 6:51-48 and Ephesians 5:15-20 Our gospel reading from John for today is a little disturbing. And it’s meant to be. The idea of eating Jesus’ flesh and blood conjures up thoughts of cannibalism. His words would have been equally offensive to the Jewish people that he was addressing at the time. So, we can be relatively sure that Jesus’ intent was to disturb us, to cause us to think…

Remember Whose Child You Are

By The Very Rev. Sherry Crompton August 9, 2009 Read: John 6:34, 41-51 Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty”. Bread and water. The basics for sustaining life – physical life. But we know that Jesus is referring to something deeper than a physical life, he is referring to our spiritual lives. That to taste of Jesus is to know life –…