What to Expect

What to Expect

We’re delighted that you are interested in visiting us! Here are a few things to know about what you might expect when you visit us on a Sunday morning.

Before the Service

  • Click here for directions.
  • Street parking is free on Sunday, or you can park across the street.
  • Typical attire is whatever you’re comfortable in – jeans, sweater, shorts, Eagles jersey, suit and tie – we love you as you are!
  • The easiest way into the church is through the large red doors at the front of the church.
  • Those who prefer to use a ramp rather than stairs can do so using the ramp on the right side of the sanctuary. The door on the left side of the ramp will take you directly into the sanctuary.

During the Service

  • You will be greeted at the door by a friendly usher, who will give you a bulletin, help you find a seat, or help you find nursery care if needed.
  • Sunday services begin at 9:30 AM with a piano or organ prelude.
  • The service follows the traditional Episcopal lectionary, with all text and music printed in the bulletin that the usher provided to you.
  • We celebrate the eucharist (communion) every week with both bread and wine
    • All are welcome at God’s table – you may proceed to the front of the church via the center aisle if you wish to receive communion.
    • If you wish to receive a blessing only, fold your arms and the priest will bless you.
    • If you wish to receive the eucharist, hold your hands out for the priest, who will press the communion wafer in your hand.
    • You will then proceed to the server holding the cup of wine, and you may intinct (dip) the wafer into the cup, or eat the wafer separately, then sip from the cup.
    • You can then return to your seat via the outer aisles
  • Services typically last for just under one hour.