Sermons from May 2011

Sermons from May 2011

They Had a Heart Large Enough To Think About Others

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 29, 2011 John 14:15-21 The word “in” is a tiny word. It seems as if it should not matter all that much. But today we hear Jesus promising to be “in” the people who keep his commandments and promising that the disciples will be “in” him too. So, is Jesus actually “in” us? And how would we know? The key may be that Advocate, that Paraclete, the Spirit of truth, who Jesus has promised…

How Can We Know the Way?

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 22, 2011 John 14:1-14 Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”. He says this in response to Thomas’ honest questioning – “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” How can we know the way? If we’re honest with ourselves, we have the same question. How can we know the way?” Jesus is speaking of a way of life – in Jewish…

Granted One Wish

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 15, 2011 John What would you ask if granted one wish? A million dollars? A billion dollars? A beautiful woman? A handsome man? Would you ask to be president of a large company? President of the United States? Another Bill Gates? Or would you ask for a life of leisure–fun in the sun? Or renewed health? What would you ask if granted one wish? Your answer would reveal a great deal. It would tell…

Sometimes, It’s Just the Ending

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 8, 2011 Luke 24:13-35 Earlier this week we heard the news of Osama bin Laden’s death. It marks the end of a chapter. As someone who was in Manhattan at the time of 9/11 and helped out with the rescue efforts, I found myself having very mixed emotions about the news. Later, I read a reflection of Barbara Crafton’s that sums up some of my own ‘hard to label feelings’ and I share it…

We Practice Our Faith Every Day

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 1, 2011 John 20:19-31 Try to forget, for a moment, everything you thought you knew about Thomas. Notice that I didn’t say “Doubting Thomas,” because this nickname is the first thing we need to forget. So…forget that somewhere along the way you came to believe that Thomas’ primary attribute is doubt. Forget that you still think of him as a slightly inferior disciple. Forget that you’re pretty sure Jesus rebukes him for his lack…