Sermons from August 2012

Sermons from August 2012

Prayer Isn’t Handing In an Order Form

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 13 Pentecost – August 26, 2012 John 6:56-69 Today marks the end of John’s long discourse on the bread of life. Jesus’ difficult teaching on eating his flesh and blood. “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them”. Faith is a central concept for John, but the noun itself never occurs. The verb “believe”, however, occurs more than 80 times, more often than in all the letters…

The Flower Lady

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 11 Pentecost, Proper 14 – August 12, 2012 John 6:35, 41-51 Jimmy Harper wearily plodded home after a tough day on the job. As he walked he spied a bench alongside the road; he stopped and rested. As he waited, a woman, hauling behind her a large cart of flowers, happened to pass by. The sweet smell of the flowers perfumed the air. Jimmy instantly lost the weariness in his body and his spirits were…

Stars and Servants

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 10 Pentecost , Proper 13, August 5, 2012 John 6:24-35 Guru Bhagwan Shree, who passed away in 1990, once said, “If you (Americans) came face to face with God, you’d ask Him for a Chevrolet.” So what do you think? If we came face to face with God, would we fall down in awe of God’s holiness and power? Would we seek his wisdom? Would we ask God to help us to change the direction…