Sermons from July 2013

Sermons from July 2013

“Lord, Teach Us To Pray”

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 10 Pentecost, Proper 12 – July 28, 2013 Luke 11:1-13 Our passage from Luke today begins with Jesus “praying in a certain place.” When he has finished praying, one of his disciples asks, “Lord, teach us to pray…” . In response, Jesus offers a three-part teaching, including a model prayer, a parable about prayer, and some sayings about prayer. Jesus’ prayer and the teaching that follows are mutually illuminating. Jesus invites his disciples into a…

Martha Was Distracted

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 9 Pentecost, Proper 11 – July 21, 2013 Luke 10:38-42 Jesus was visiting his friends, Martha and Mary. Like the Martha Stewart we know today, this Martha is determined to be the perfect host. But she is distracted by her many tasks: the hors d’oeuvres aren’t quite ready, the flowers still need to be arranged, and that special sauce needs her attention. But, look, her sister Mary is sitting at Jesus’ feet, doing nothing, just…

Which Was the Greater Gift Jesus Gave?

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 7 Pentecost, Proper 9 – July 7, 2013 2 Kings 5:1-14 and Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Here is a question my friend, David Lose, poses after reading this gospel story: Which was the greater gift Jesus bestowed on the disciples: the power to heal and cast out demons? Or the power to work together and rely on the hospitality of others? Which was the greater gift? David suggests that when we read these passages, our attention…