Sermons from August 2014

Sermons from August 2014

Pick Up Your Cross and Follow Me

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 12 Pentecost, Proper 17 – August 31, 2014 Matthew 16:21-28 So, this is a tough passage from Matthew for many of us – at least I think so. And the really tough piece of it for me is “take us your cross and follow me”. It’s tough because, what does that really mean, to ‘take up your cross’? How does Jesus’ cross have anything to do with life today? Sure, there are necklaces, rings, pendants,…

Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 11 Pentecost, Proper 16 – August 24, 2014 Matthew 16:13-20 “But who do you say that I am?” This question is posed to Jesus’ disciples, but it is a powerful question for us today. Who do you say that Jesus is? Gathered in Caesarea Philippi, Jesus wonders aloud what the crowds are saying about him but more importantly what the disciples think. It’s another way of saying, “Why are you following me? Why have you…

Storms Are Not Always Predictable

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 9 Pentecost, Proper 14 – August 10, 2014 Matthew 14:22-33 and Genesis 37:1-4,12-28 My friend Karoline took a trip to the Holy Land and she stayed at a kibbutz on the east side of the Sea of Galilee. They could see Tiberius from the shore. From that location she traveled to various places where Jesus “could have” fed the 5,000, the Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes; where Jesus “possibly” preached the Sermon…

Send Them Away

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 8 Pentecost, Proper 13 – August 3, 2014 Matthew 14:13-21 and Genesis 32:22-31 So, our gospel story today is the feeding of the 5000 – one of Jesus’ miracles. Today I want us to look deeper into just what this miracle represents. Notice, before going further into the story, the context of this scene. It begins with the transitional line, “Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted…