Sermons from May 2022

Sermons from May 2022

The Mirror

7 Easter – May 29, 2022 John 17:20-26           So, here we go again. Another school shooting, additional violence. It stirs up anger, deep sadness, confusion, all sorts of emotions, because here we go again. Nothing’s changed. In our Thursday service, we prayed for radical ideas – because let’s face it, our system is broken on so many levels.  And for this to stop, we need to go about things very differently, we need a multi-faceted approach. And so, the…

Hope in a World Gone Mad

6 Easter – May 22, 2022 John 14:23-29           Today’s reading from John’s gospel is rich and complex. Jesus speaks of love and peace and the Holy Spirit. In this case, love is not the romantic, affectionate kind of love. It is not about emotions. It is what in Greek is called agape love. It is a loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. Agape love involves faithfulness, commitment, and an act of the will. In short, this…


4 Easter – May 8, 2022 John 10:22-30           Jesus’ identity is in question in our gospel passage for this morning. This is the only time in John’s gospel that Jesus is asked directly whether he is the Messiah. “Tell us plainly”.  And Jesus’ answer is less than clear.  Instead of saying, “I have told you that I am the Messiah,” he responds, “I have told you.” What, Jesus? What have you told us? But then, Jesus goes on and…