Sermons from December 2015

Sermons from December 2015

What Values Do We Want To Teach Our Kids?

3 Advent – December 13, 2015 Luke 3:7-18 There was a recent segment on the Today show about what values we want to teach our kids. Honesty topped the charts (43%), followed by kindness (29%), a strong work ethic (11%) and a variety of others. What is interesting about this survey is that it lines up pretty closely with John the Baptist’s preaching in this Sunday’s passage from Luke. “What should we do?” the crowds asked John after his exhortation. “What should we do?” asked…

The Word of God Came to Church of the Trinity in Downtown Coatesville

2 Advent – December 6, 2015 Luke 3:1-6 In the fifteenth year of the twenty-first century, when Barack Obama was President of the United States, and Tom Wolfe was governor of Pennsylvania, and Michael Trio the City Manager of Coatesville, and Michael Curry was Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the word of God came to Church of the Trinity, in downtown Coatesville. Somehow, we have a hard time believing that, if God were to reveal himself to the world that it would be here…