Sermons from October 2021

Sermons from October 2021

What Gives You Hope?

22 Pentecost, Proper 25 – October 24, 2021 Mark 10:46-52           A question to ponder for today and maybe for the week….what gives you hope?  What gives you hope?  I ask this question from the perspective that we are living in a time where we can make more of a difference than ever before, much of the future is in our hands. In other words, our choices matter, what we do matters. Krista Tippett refers to this as “muscular hope”…

Spiritual Growth = Change

20 Pentecost, Proper 23 – October 10, 2021 Mark 10:17-31           So, in our gospel today, “a man” ran up and knelt before Jesus. This man, perhaps thinking he has everything else—has the ultimate question for Jesus:  “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  Like Jesus did last week when the Pharisees put him to the test with the question about divorce, Jesus reframes the question in terms of the kingdom of God (“come, follow me”) rather…

Bone of My Bones

19 Pentecost, Proper 22 – October 3, 2021 Genesis 2:18-24 and Mark 10:2-16 Our readings this week pair a familiar portion of the creation story in Genesis with Jesus’s teaching on divorce in the Gospel of Mark.  The gospel brings up divorce and yet also, in the same narrative, talks about the little children coming to Jesus.  So, the readings offer us a broader vision. They speak to all human relationships, to the ways in which we see, treat, protect, and harm each other.  If…